Sunday, 11 November 2007

Bibliography Books

1) Malik, Sarita (2002): Representing Black Britain - Black and Asian Males on Television, U.K, Sage Publications.

2) Ferguson, Robert (1998): Representing 'Race', U.K, Arnold Publications.

3) Mackinnon, Kenneth (2003): Representing Men - Malesness and Masculinity in the Media. Great Britain, Arnold Publication

4) Marsh, Peter and Cambell, Anne (1982): Agression and Violence, Great Britain, Basil Blackwell Publications.

5) Pieterse, Jan Nederveen (1992) White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in WEstern Popular Culture. New Haven, CT and London, Yale University Press.

6) Pines, Jim (1975) Blacks in Film: A Survey of Racial Themes and Images in American Film, London, Studio Vista.

7) Rees, Bob and Sherwood, Marika (1992): Black Peoples of the Americas, Harcourt Heinemann.

8) Munford, Clarence (1996): Race and Representations: A Black Perspective for the 21st Century, Africa World Press.

9) Gordon, Lewis (1995): Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism, Prometheus Book Publishers.

10) Fanon, Frantz (1986) Black Skins, White Masks, Pluto Press.

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